• No : 284
  • Release Date : 2022/01/20 18:00
  • Printing

There is a connection error/the game is not connecting properly.

Why can't I connect to the game properly?
Category : 


If you cannot play the game due to a connection error, please check the following. 
・Check your internet connection
・Turn the airplane mode On / Off
・Reboot the device and app
・Try another internet connection (different Wi-Fi or mobile data)
If these steps do not improve your situation, there is a possibility that the game is currently under maintenance.
You are unable to connect and play the game during maintenance, so please wait until it is over.
Note: Information and updates regarding maintenance will be announced on social media and the official website, so please stay tuned.
If you cannot connect to other apps, there may be a problem with your internet connection. In such cases, we advise you to contact your internet service provider for further help.